perbedaan indoCO dan Indocolite




Biaya Berlangganan
$79 per month
$29 per month
Sales Channels (Sell Everywhere)
Online Store
Yes Yes Yes
Social selling (Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, Messenger, Buy Buttons)
Yes Yes Yes
Fast and reliable checkout
Yes Yes Yes
Store Management (Manage your business)
Unlimited products
Yes Yes Yes
Coupons, discounts, and gift cards
Yes Yes Yes
Integrated marketing platform (Google, Facebook)
Yes Yes Yes
Staff accounts
15 5 2
up to 8 up to 5 up to 4
Professional reports
Yes Yes No
Advanced report builder
Yes No No
Apps and Ecosystem
24/7 multichannel support
Yes Yes Yes
App Ecosystem, including 4,100+ apps
Yes Yes Yes
Access to our Shopify APIs
Yes Yes Yes
Shopify Payments
Online credit card rates
2.4% + 30¢ USD 2.6% + 30¢ USD 2.9% + 30¢ USD
In-person credit card rates
2.4% + 0¢ USD 2.5% + 0¢ USD 2.7% + 0¢ USD
Third-party Payment Processors
0% if you are using Shopify Payments.
0.5% 1.0% 2.0%
Multiple payment methods
Yes Yes Yes
Shopify Shipping
Shipping discount
Competitive shipping rates from DHL Express, UPS, or USPS.
up to 74% up to 72% up to 64%
Print shipping labels
Yes Yes Yes
Shipping calculated at checkout
Yes Yes Yes
Integrated Shopify Fullfillment Network
Yes Yes Yes
USPS Priority Mail Cubic® pricing
Yes Yes No
Third-party calculated shipping rates
Show calculated rates with your own account or third-party apps at checkout.
Yes No No
Integrate with your own shipping accounts
Yes No No
Point of Sale
Shopify POS Lite
Accept casual, in-person payments at markets, fairs, pop-ups, and more.
Yes Yes Yes
Shopify POS Pro
Run your brick-and-mortar business with powerful tools built for omnichannel selling.
plus$89 USDper month plus$89 USDper month plus$89 USDper month

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